I surrender to the year of the fruit.

Ok I have had to throw the towel in with my Brussels spouts, Kale and pak choi as the Cabbage whites have become a plague in my area, helped by two neighbours have planted buddleia tree (yes I know they are supposed to be bushes but these are huge!).

So I have pulled up the damaged plants and sent them of the councils tip,  and have decided to buy some proper netting for next year  and would like to hear suggesting as to what you use as I am a bit confused by all what’s on the market.

Ok to the good, Courgettes still coming by the armful, cucumbers had 6 already, and 4 more growing, beans ok, swedes all frozen for winter time, potatoes doing ok (no dread Blight so far).  Tomatoes plenty of fruit but not red yet, fruit bushes have done wonderfully well, plums are ripening and apples swelling and my watermelon is now the size of a grapefruit.

My peppers are only just coming in to flower and my corn is only knee high so I’m not expecting a crop this year, and I tried growing callaloo this year it has grown well and is very pretty but tastes disgusting in my opinion but the ducks love it so not going to waste.

I am glad this is my 3rd year growing and not first, as I may have really thrown the towel in!.   Hope everyone is having a better harvest than me.


  1. I bought a huge roll of 2m wide x 50m long scaffolding netting its very, very fine mesh and I havn't had one problem with caterpillars this year. It was about £30 for the roll delivered, can't recommend it enough, its durable as well.

  2. We got the cheapo Wilkos 10mm mesh and the cabbage whites still got through! Thanks for the tip, Earthmama - scaffolding netting for next year. So sorry you've had to throw in the towel to those mean greenies, Worms Are My Friends :-(


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