In, Out, In, Out (gardening hokey Cokey)

So today has seem me planting up my greenhouse tomatoes, melons and cues, I have sowed some more basil and chard as i seem to be going through these crops very fast, this was all good until 2pm, when I tried to plant some outdoor tomatoes, lettuces beets and onions and found myself getting soaked almost every half hour.  Definitely made gardening interesting, and got the greenhouse and shed tidy as I dived in to each in turn of heavy down pour.

I finally gave up at 4pm but at least got some plants in!.


  1. Are those some cheeky little marigolds to protect your lettuces, Worms are my Friends?
    Oh, and RAIN. IN JUNE! What's the climate up to?!?

  2. wormsaremyfriends23 June 2013 at 12:40

    Yep its a little marigold, I have lots of them and their big cousins Calendula doted all over and in greenhouse just love their flowers

  3. Yip, they're a lovely flower, and their scent keeps a lot of pests away. Didn't save seed last year as they were soggy :-( Should have got some from Got calendulas. Both have edible petals!


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