Spring in the step
I love this time of year in the garden, every morning I enjoy my cup of tea while wondering around looking at what is waking up and nothing bring more joy then the blossom on the trees.
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Plum blossom[/caption]
Today I got to play with my new toy a shredder, great stuff for all the woody stuff that don't rot in my compost bin. I got some more seeds down, and even planted out some lettuce and peas under cover but yeah real gardening at last.
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Greenhouse started to get full[/caption]
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My new toy[/caption]
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Today I got to play with my new toy a shredder, great stuff for all the woody stuff that don't rot in my compost bin. I got some more seeds down, and even planted out some lettuce and peas under cover but yeah real gardening at last.
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I love this time of year too, so much promise and anticipation in the air... thats all thats in my greenhouse too... lots of air!