Ready steady . . . . . .

What a lovely week I have had off work this week, and thanks to the lovely weather I have managed to feed all my fruit trees and bushes.  Paint the majority of the fence (duck area to do).  Turn compost, empted the wormery, seeds are sown etc etc, and now I face the turmoil or to sow direct or not.  We are still getting quite chilly nights and I guess deep down I am still waiting for frost! But if the week coming is the same I will start to sow my roots.

Till then I will be glancing through the vegetableseeds  website spending my voucher, which as always I am very grateful for.



  1. Curious as to what you used to feed your fruit trees? I keep thinking I should give my ones in pots a "waking up" feed but unsure what to use this time of year

  2. wormsaremyfriends17 March 2014 at 08:40

    I make a mix of homemade compost, top soil, potash and this year added some rock dust. As all my trees are in pots I scrape away about 2" of the old compost put a good 3" of the new on and give them a good water (its been dry here on East cost for a couple weeks now).

    Good luck.


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