Feeling a failure

Well this weekend saw just a few to many challenges for me, and I "gave up" gardening Sunday afternoon to try and save what little sanity I had.

It all started with my precious (think golem from Lord of the rings) Brussels sprout plants.  i am one of those people that love sprouts, but have yet to successful grow them, year 1 lost them to cabbage white caterpillars, year 2 snow in early Nov destroyed them . . . .

This year I have nurtured them through the cold wet start, to this blazing heat wave, squished aphids, removed eggs and caterpillars, protected them from my own ducks till Sunday afternoon when instead of the thunders storms and rain promised here on the East coast we got 25c, and 40 mph WINDS!!! and I watched as my kale, sprouts, beans and corn were bent and blown around in the wind.

Thankfully this morning the wind has died down and there isn't too much damage but  I am left wondering am I just putting too much effort in and not enjoy it, I will let you know after I done a couple hours of tiding up tonight.


  1. Commiserations. Sometimes it's just no fun! Slugs have eaten the tops of our caulis, if it's any consolation. It does seem so unfair after all the attention :0(

  2. Aww chin up, gardening is like that! at the perils of Nature. Don't give up on your Brussels! I was like that with carrots and in the end, got a huge barrel to grow them in instead of down the allotment.

  3. wormsaremyfriends30 July 2013 at 04:06

    Thank you for your kind words, thankfully the wind didn't do that much damage, so I may still get a Brussel or two for my Xmas dinner


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