March Finally

I have been a bit quietlt lately on the blog and gardening front.  I work in a local college and with have had the dreaded "O" in so its been manic at work.  Last weekend saw plenty of rain, but still on draught alert here.

Any way, I now have a week of work - and even better a week in the garden.  I have struggled a bit this year with no greenhouse ( last years was a cheaper plastic one that didn't survive the autumn winds).  Have sowed some indoors but no where near what i would like so i am a bit behind.

So the plan is jet wash patio and paths, re pot my plum tree and start tidy the beds and getting the ready for sowing.  Order greenhouse now cat pen shed gone, finish tiding area for ducks and sow sow outside.

On Friday I am of to the Edible Garden show - anyone else going or went last year?

So here is hoping the weather stays clear or only rains in the evening.  Happy gardening everyone.


  1. Have found your site and its great. I love cats and have two grey ones who are getting on in years. You look as if you know what you are doing with your plot and I have to say I envy you having chickens or ducks, I would love to at home but we have lots of foxes in the garden and I know they would get to them in the end no matter how defensive a cage would be. Now I have found you I will be an avid reader.

  2. wormsaremyfriends14 March 2012 at 12:38

    Thanks for finding me and leaving a comment. I currently have four cats ranging from 3 - 8 in years. 2 dogs and soon Indian Runner ducks, finally decided - well once i remove all the slate.


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