Bugs glorious bugs
Is it me or does anyone else seems to have large amounts of pest already? I seem to spend at least 10 minutes a day squishing aphids, greenfly and whitefly and I have just found sawfly caterpillars on my gooseberries grr, not to mention the old scale insect.
Thankfully I have also witnessed hoverflies, ladybirds and a couple of parasitic wasps while going about my squishing.
But I think to be on the safe side I will be given my trees and bushes a scrub with the soft soap this weekend to get a head of the scale insect, but does anyone have any tips for sawfly this is my first year of having them.
Thankfully I have also witnessed hoverflies, ladybirds and a couple of parasitic wasps while going about my squishing.
But I think to be on the safe side I will be given my trees and bushes a scrub with the soft soap this weekend to get a head of the scale insect, but does anyone have any tips for sawfly this is my first year of having them.
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