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Glorious sunshine and showers

Here on the East Coast, we have been having the best growing weather, temperatures have been getting up to 21/22 degrees and not dropping below 12 in the evening, with the some quite heavy showers over night. This means everything has gone berserk in the garden, including my neighbours honeysuckle, which i have cut (again) today. The only downside sofa is my marigolds didn't germinate - old seed i guess and my parsnips haven't shown themselves yet either, so maybe it got to warm for them. I finally got my primroses (Primulas) split and re-potted this week and i think the flower bed is looking good. Flower Bed Garlic I also got all my beans, mangetout and lettuce out, i always feel better when i can see veg actually growing nicely. main veg bed Alstroemeria looking good

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